About Me

Hey everyone!

So, where the heck do I start...

I guess what you need to know is that I'm 29 & an English with Film graduate from King's College London. I'm a Londoner born and bred (but in dire need of moving to a lovely tropical location...) and I've had various roles within the fashion & media industries which I've absolutely adored.

My passion from a young age has been writing... I wasn't the 80% of the class who were drawing doodles everywhere. Nah, I decided that I needed to keep diaries and write notebooks upon notebooks of stories, magazine articles, adverts, you name it...

After being thoroughly inspired by the likes of BryanBoy and Kelly Cutrone, I decided to start my own blog with no idea what I was even doing but the more I did it, the more I grew to love it. Even with a couple of hits per post, I loved that I could get on here and have a voice.

So unexpectedly I've had this blog for 8 years now and I'm taking it a lot more seriously, often collaborating with brands, attending press events... that kinda stuff.

One thing I will say is that I don't really take inspiration from other bloggers in my field or try and emulate anyone. It's just not my thing... everything I write on here is 100% original and from the heart. I hope that translates well :)

I love the fact that clothes can transform women's moods and personas just like that... I really do think that a good outfit with a lovely makeup look can increase your confidence & make you change your outlook on life. It's something to look forward to, something I think about with a lot of positivity, hence why I am pro plus-size women & stand for anything that means women of all shapes, colours & sizes can feel beautiful. I'm not much of a labels person... I do prefer certain brands over others but I do shop high-street most of the time.

Fashion is fun, free-spirited & powerful. If you leave, breathe & love fashion like me, welcome to my humble abode, I'm sure you'll feel welcome here. Kick off your stilettos (or Nike sliders) & enjoy the ride that is The Rebirth of Fashion...

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